

Ihaka Hamiora Samuels Profile

Ihaka Hamiora Samuels
Ike Samuels

"For to live is for Christ and to die is gain"

Our father was a man devoted to serving his God.

As children growing up under his cloak, he would always say
remember who you are
 and where you come from, both in this life and the life to come.

After the death of his father Weka Samuels, Ike decided to leave the family farm.

With his wife Mary they travelled to the shore of Papua New Guinea, to share the love of Jesus.

If you would like to know more about his wonderful journey and the lives he influenced
along the way. There is a link to his biography at the bottom of this page

Ike Samuels book can be ordered at any
leading bookstore.$24.99
or you can contact the author
Bradford Haami on:

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